Bright, Efficient, Reliable

About Us

Bioluz LED® is committed to designing the most aesthetically pleasing, efficient and affordable LED products for your home and office.

Our story.

Growing up, I remember dad constantly calling out a familiar chant each time we walked out of a room: “Turn off the lights – they’re wasting electricity!” Although I swore that when I grew up I wouldn’t act the same with my kids, sure enough, when my own kids began leaving the lights on, I found myself mimicking the exact words that dad called out to me as a child. I wanted and needed to teach my kids to be responsible and conservative, but without the stress of wasting energy and money in the process.

LED bulbs and light fixtures seemed like a solution. Although extremely expensive at the time, if I could just replace all the bulbs in my home with LED’s, I could stop yelling at my kids! So after the initial heartburn associated with the cost of LED replacements, I went on the quest to research and purchase over 50 LED bulbs in several different sizes for my home. What used to be as simple as buying a 40, 60 or 100 watt light bulb turned into a confusing set of choices – lumens, kelvins, colors, temperatures, watts and “equivalent watts.” But which ones did I need? Like many consumers, I ended up buying a variety of different LED bulbs until I figured out what I really needed and wanted, and ended up with a bunch of expensive and ultimately useless bulbs in the garage.

What should have taken 10 minutes took over 10 hours over the course of 2 weeks, wasting much more time and money than was necessary. After all that research, my wife loved the brightness and color of our new lights, but she thought they looked too high-tech for our traditional contemporary home.

A better solution.

Having been involved with several startups in the past (, Knowledge Adventure, People-Link and others), I decided to start a company that would help simplify the LED purchasing process by focusing on a few simple things:

Design – Creating aesthetically elegantly designs which enhance the beauty of your home

Efficiency – Ensuring our LEDs have the highest output per watt of energy consumed (all LED’s are NOT equal)

Affordability – creating a company that was lean and passing the savings on to consumers

Sustainability – using mostly recycled materials and the minimum amount of plastic in our packaging (we still don’t understand why others continue to use all-plastic clam shell packaging!)

Simplification – explaining our products in a simple, easy to understand fashion, and even providing some recommendations. Bioluz LED was launched!

Bioluz LED is manufactured by Titch Industries Inc